Education through storytelling is an interesting concept as we love to remember stories more than numbers or information. Dr. Hema Ramanathan explaines Arc of A Story
Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools that educators can use to influence, teach, and inspire. Storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Stories convey the culture, history, and values that bring people closer.
However, the Arc of A story or Narrative Arc distinguishes a good story from ordinary stories. This arc is made up of the sequences in the story and defines their occurrences in the plot. Therefore, a good narrative arc is vital to engage the listeners or readers from start to end, and ensure successful content delivery.
In this video Dr. Hema Ramanathan explains the concept of Narrative Arc or Arc of A Story. It woill help viewers to
- Learn and develop storytelling skills
- Understand key storytelling concepts like Story Arc, Character, Setting, and Emotion
- Create their own story the Arc of A story concept